Shortness of breath! From cause to treatment

Because in the process of inhalation there is a problem that kills your shortness of breath. The patient's definition of shortness of breath is a feeling of suffocation or tightness of the chest. The normal person inhaled and exhaled 12 times in one minute. When you feel your breathing, your breathing is not normal. Which is not a disease and is a sign of a disease. Further shortness of breath manifests itself in the theory of climbing stairs or uphill or performing heavy movements. Breathe well and transfer air into your lungs. Shortness of breath may be transient, mild, or prolonged and severe.

 What causes shortness of breath?

Shortness of breath can have many causes. Including:


Other lung diseases (such as emphysema, which is often caused by smoking)

Heart failure

Nervous attack


And recently the Corona virus

If shortness of breath is accompanied by cough or fever, you may have a chest infection or pneumonia. Other less common causes of respiratory problems include lung cancer, blood clots in the lungs, perforation of the lungs, and injury to the lung tissue.

Methods of diagnosing shortness of breath

The doctor examines the patient and listens carefully to the sound of his or her lungs. It becomes. It also helps diagnose asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Other diagnostic tests include:

Pulse oximetry: This device is used to measure the amount of oxygen saturation in the blood. To measure this factor in the blood, the doctor will place the patient's finger or earlobe between a small device called a pulse oximeter.

Blood test: If a person has anemia or infection, this method can be diagnosed. The possibility of blood clots or fluid in the lungs can also be examined by this method.

X-ray of the chest or CT scan: This method is used to diagnose pneumonia, blood clots in the lungs, or other lung diseases. In a CT scan, several x-ray images taken from different angles are stacked together to get a complete and accurate image of the lungs.

Electrocardiogram (ECG): In this method, the electrical signals of the heart are measured and by examining them, it can be determined whether a person has recently had a heart attack or not. The information from this method also helps the doctor to check the patient's heart rate and heart rhythm.

Relaxation exercises and breathing exercises are very helpful. But what is important in the treatment of shortness of breath is primarily to identify the cause.

For example, if a patient has asthma, they will need to be sprayed during shortness of breath. If fluid has accumulated in the lungs, the doctor will remove the fluid. If the cause of shortness of breath is an infection or blood clot, the person should take medication to treat it. Sometimes it is necessary to use oxygen capsules. If you are taking medication, you must take it under a doctor's supervision.

Emergency treatment of shortness of breath

The following first aid can be provided until the ambulance arrives or the patient is taken to the hospital:

Relax: The more energy you expend, the more oxygen you consume and the more you will eventually suffer from shortness of breath. Think of a good exercise at the gym, sometimes during heavy exercise the person will suffer from shortness of breath, the solution in this situation is to get enough rest between doing sports.

The person with shortness of breath should sit, stand, or lie down comfortably: Some believe that a group of positions will open the airway. Exercise trainers always advise athletes to keep their arms above their heads while their chest muscles are stretched. On the other hand, sitting on the edge of a chair and leaning forward and placing your hands on your knees is one of the best positions for a person with shortness of breath. People are different and let the person choose the position he / she is comfortable with.

Call an ambulance: If shortness of breath does not go away after two or three minutes of the above procedures, call the emergency medical center. As mentioned, shortness of breath has many causes, some of which are very serious and need to be addressed immediately.

Use oxygen capsules: This should only be done in special cases and for people with acute lung problems. Oxygen should only be used as prescribed by your doctor and in the amount he or she recommends. Excessive oxygen consumption also leads to problems. Before the ambulance arrives, reassure the patient that the shortness of breath is temporary and that increasing the amount of oxygen consumed will not be a problem.

The cause of shortness of breath must be treated: Shortness of breath occurs for many reasons and many of them can be treated. For example, for a patient with asthma, there are many medications and devices that will treat sudden shortness of breath. Patients with a lung infection should see a doctor and should call an ambulance if they have a heart attack.

Treatment of shortness of breath at night

If this supply occurs at night, the cause will be more important for treatment than anything else:

Asthma: Strictly follow the treatment plan, avoid irritants, put your head on a pillow to keep the airway open.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Quitting smoking and avoiding exposure to harmful chemicals is a more important thing to do. Treatment plans also include the use of respiratory sprays, medications, and oxygen therapy.

Pneumonia: Treatment for pneumonia includes antibiotics, cough medicines, analgesics, antipyretics, and rest.

Heart failure: Follow your doctor's treatment plan carefully, depending on the patient's condition. To treat this condition, in addition to taking certain medications, your doctor will advise you on lifestyle changes and adjustments. On the other hand, sometimes special tools and equipment must be used for better and more correct functioning of the heart.

Respiratory sleep apnea: Lifestyle changes, smoking cessation, and weight loss will help greatly. Sometimes the patient must use assistive devices to keep the airway open during sleep.

Allergies: Allergens should be removed from the bed and bedding and bedding should be washed regularly with warm water. Carpets and rugs, leaving windows and air conditioner vents open will bring a lot of dust into the house and make allergy symptoms worse. Using a bed service made of anti-allergy materials or installing an air purifier in the bedroom will be very helpful.

Anxiety and panic attacks: Breathing exercises, avoiding stimuli, and talking to a counselor or psychologist can help relieve anxiety and panic attacks.