What is a tele-audiology?

Hearing impairment is one of the fastest growing diseases in modern societies. Lack of hearing specialists in the unequal distribution  of hearing specialists in all regions and distances and geographical barriers and cost of referral system and lack of training system for audiologists. There are reasons to argue the need for a tele-audiology system. Remote Audiology  (Tele-audiology) using telemedicine to provide hearing services, and may include the full range of hearing tests .

The term teleology was first coined by Dr. Greg Givens in 1999 at the University of East Carolina. Dr James Hall and his colleagues managed the telediology using the system in the US in 2009.


There are two types of Teleaudiology :


Store & Forward) Asynchronous Summary and Post Test :  In this way a patient is tested and the results are sent to an expert by email or the Internet to view the results .


(Real Time) Simultaneous testing ( a patient's examination at the present time. Although one patient is sitting in front of you, the audiometers who are testing it are at a distance. It was called the room as the audiometers sit outside the chamber and through a window into the observation room, which actually looks like a remote patient's audiometric test, but a window that audiologists look at from a distance. The real glass is not a web conferencing page, the only real difference In-person testing is just the physical distance between the specialist and the patient .


Many studies point to the fact that the need for audiology services around the world is more than the services we currently provide, but the answer to "how" is also quite clear. All of us nowadays use computers and mobile telephony shops and sites easily. Many of our services, including video autoscopy, acoustic imaging, audiometry, ear emission, consulting and simulation, probe microphone measurements and hearing aids, are fully standard on computers and electronic medical records.

One of the best sources of basic guidance on specialized issues related to tele-audiology is the American Academy of Audiology and the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Following are a number of opportunities that teleology offers to our therapists and clinics.


Video communication programs

Equipment manufacturers have been using computer tools for many years. Skype and Facebook are important tools to attract the support of huge numbers of consumers. There are also other benefits to the widespread use of these two tools among the community and easy access for patients. Tracking new hearing aids and hearing aids via Skype and Facebook is possible. Video chat is also available if needed. Using these features remotely (even email!) To provide free services in clinic programs allows to improve the quality of health care for patients.


Video telescopy

Traditional use of videotoscopy has been common as a tool for storing ear examination data. Nothing is more valuable than videotoscopy as a versatile tool for consultation, use and placement of hearing aids, batteries and decoders. Or switching to a protective shield.


Remote hearing aid planning

In recent years, special attention has been paid to hearing aids and cochlear implant prosthesis planning, and step-by-step training can be found in various sources. Of course, this may not be enough to meet all the regulatory requirements, but at least minor adjustments to the hearing aid can be made. In addition to saving money (for both the patient and the audiologist), this can be very helpful for patients with motor problems or distances, and can help the patient continue using the hearing aid.


Participation in professional development

The formation of the Global Telediology Network is an opportunity for audiologists to volunteer their services and experiments remotely. By joining this network you can gain new experiences and apply new ideas to enhance and differentiate your clinic.


Take a look at the future of prescription hearing aids

Ear scanning technology has made a huge change in the process of making hearing aids, molding, ear protection and more. The system enables 3D scanning of the ear and shell canal and is sent to the manufacturer via email. The whole process takes less than 0 minutes to complete. In addition to minimizing time, formatting errors and shipping costs will also be greatly reduced. Just as Hipro standardization in the 12th helped to regulate various hearing aids, ear scanning technology will become a universal standard for early molding. It is interesting to know that the acoustic correction and mold consultation is possible by the adiolosist and the manufacturer on the scan and does not require any patient recall and re-scan.