
In general, health care is more expensive for companies, individuals and taxpayers. Technology offers a more valuable potential to increase access to care. In the use of mobile phones, the health care system has resulted in lower costs, less travel, improved health outcomes, and reduced use of emergency rooms. However, there are several benefits to cell phone health.

Rural people face many health differences compared to urban people. Poverty and poor access to health care contribute greatly to these differences. In general, rural communities are poorer than others. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, rural Americans are at high risk of death, mainly due to heart disease, cancer, abnormal injuries, chronic respiratory disease, and stroke. Premature and higher infant mortality.

As you know, telemedicine is active in most branches of medicine, including obstetrics and gynecology. Telemedicine itself deals with several applied branches in the field of obstetrics and gynecology and is increasing this activity in developed and developing countries around the world. In this article, we review the current trends and ongoing programs in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. Telemedicine plays an important role as an aid to providing health services to remote patients with adequate access to medicine in this period of limited resources and emphasizing the effective use of available resources.

For example, pregnant women can communicate online with their gynecologist via mobile phone, visit, get counseling, and, if they have received related devices from their clinic or doctor, via telephoto ultrasound monitoring of anatomy. Send the fetus, fetal heart rate, blood pressure, etc. to their doctor to reduce the possible risks of travel during pregnancy, to save time and money, and to provide comfort for the mother. This is better if it is common in the villages. This is because many villagers are deprived of having a gynecologist and often have problems during their pregnancy due to lack of specialists and lack of necessary knowledge, long distance to the city clinic, etc.

Telemedicine is also helpful for a high-risk pregnant patient, including high blood pressure, venous thromboembolism, psychiatric disorder, substance abuse, or a family history of a genetic disorder - which may threaten the health or life of the person or baby. Because it fully considers direct access, danger signs, cost savings, etc. for a patient and takes the fastest action in emergencies. Also in the telemedicine model, rural physicians take care of patients. Monitor the high risk while receiving expert advice through telephone or video medical advice. Through video conferencing, the rural doctor, patient and specialist communicates with the specialist at the center (remote) and the patient and the rural physician at the lecture (source) site. Specialists can use ultrasound, often real-time, ultrasounds. And observe other experiments.

At the same time, as you know, cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among women in developing countries. Prevention of cervical cancer depends on extensive screening and accurate diagnosis of lesions before exposure, after which appropriate treatment and follow-up treatment is required, with telemedicine assisted by women. For example, in areas with limited or limited patient resources and health, experimental cervical examination using  4 %   acetic acid (VIA) is a low-cost alternative to cytology-based screening. Like many developing countries but with diagnostic agreement between on-site specialist diagnosis - remote (using cervical imaging), (PIA)And the patient performs the treatment together with the main specialist. Images are taken remotely with a mobile phone and sent by  MMS  .

The first use of telemedicine in obstetrics and gynecology was for fetal evaluation in 1979, when Baimeh and Haier reported a four-year report on the transmission of fetal monitoring information via Xerox television   to higher care facilities. Applications in obstetrics and gynecology have expanded over the past 30 years, with advances in ultrasound, fetal echocardiogram, fetal surgery, diabetes management, obstetric counseling, and counseling and cardiotherapy, as well as evolving technologies. They are integrating into women's health care.

Although telemedicine dates back more than 100 years, being introduced to obstetrics only in the 1970s, early concerns included effectiveness, poor technology, high cost, and patient-physician satisfaction with telemedicine techniques during Time and technological advances have improved. There is limited evidence, however, that specific programs (software) available in obstetrics and gynecology provide comparable health outcomes to traditional health care methods without compromising patient-physician relationships. ! Setting up a high quality telemedicine network is expensive, and the benefits and costs of productivity depend on the type of technology used.